CyTE g9 Released

CyTE g9 is now available for download.
See for all versions.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Added the include_files function to the utility functions. It will include all files in a directory. Used for including all files in the classes directory. (make sure dependencies are required in the class file since the order in which this function includes is … uhh … seemingly random.)
  • Files in /cyte/classes are now included automatically
  • Added singleton DB connection in the data_access class.
  • Added folder support in the keys folder so that keys may be organized. If there are multiple keys with the same name, the last one to be found will be used.
  • Added class_path to template conf array in config file.

OpenID Stuff Added

  • Added OpenID auth routine
  • Added OpenID post handler that handles the initial post of the OpenID.
  • Added a way to grab an OpenID when being sent back from an OpenID provider to the abstract authorizer class.
  • Added functions to user.class.php for managing OpenID stuff.
  • Added some PEAR modules for OpenID authentication.
  • Added sample SQL for creating tables for OpenID management.

I Love Jack Daniels and Added Bytes

I love, not only the drink, but the site named after it as well (the site’s name is Added Bytes now, but it’s still awesome). They have provided a very handy cheat sheet that helped me get a simple mod_rewrite thing going for searching for cards on a magic the gathering database I have set up.

I’ve cleaned up the URLs at so that when you search it has a pretty URL like .

Check out the mod rewrite sheet at Added Bytes

CyTE g8 Available

CyTE g8 is now available for download.

See for all versions.

Also check the change log if you are using an older version.

CyTE g7 to CyTE g8 Change Log

General Changes

  • Error reporting is no longer set to E_ALL by default
  • Added functions js_script and js_msg to util.php

Auth Changes

  • auth_level renamed to auth_requirement to avoid confusion
  • def_auth_lvl renamed to def_auth_req
  • ldap renamed to ldap_with_db
  • Stand alone LDAP auth class added named ldap
  • use_cookies option added to authorizer class (set to true by default in cyte config and auth constructor)

Data Access Changes

  • Moved get_new_id from member variable to the options array so it may be changed per function call instead of per instantiation.
  • Get New Id section of create function works properly using the get_record function with values just inserted.
  • If a soft delete field is being used, the get_set and get_record functions will return only active records by default.
  • In get_record, the string ‘AND’ will be added in proper places when non-string and non-array values are passed to the requirements array.

JavaScript Lernen

Earlier today I ventured out to begin my apprenticeship of the world of .js since I have avoided it for many years. The first task was to make the New Post link in the navigation show the form to input a new post. I also wanted this to slide down and look all awesome. With a little research I was able to find many websites with useful information.

Since at the moment I only needed to do this one JavaScript task, I decided to go with the straight code and not a framework that would involve some overhead. At a later time when I involve more .js I will look at the many frameworks or packages or whatever they call themselves to see if they would be more suited to the many tasks.

Soon I will be AJAX.

When I think of AJAX I kinda think of the letter A with metal arms like that Jax guy from Mortal Kombat.